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have a competitive side?
Join Rocky Top's first ever competitive climbing league, open to ages 16+! Compete with a team of climbers of varying skill level for a chance to win glory, fame and a free month of membership. Climb alongside your teammates and the Rocky Top community, sharing beta and building camaraderie to complete League problems and climb to the top of the leaderboard.
Each team consists of a Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced climber.
FREE member sign up, must be a member to join.
Thursday & Friday
6pm - 9pm
Fall Season
Dates TBA
Beginner: v0-v2
Intermediate: v3-v5
Advanced: v6-v8
Teams from both Thursday and Friday are considered to be in the same league. Points can be scored only once a week. Scorecards must be turned in the same day they are filled out. Missed days can be made up with the alternate League day.
Coordination with your teammates to climb on the same day is encouraged.
Each skill category is assigned five "League problems". Each League problem is worth 1 point with a maximum possible weekly score of 5 points per climber. Only your top ten scores are factored into your team's final score. The team with the highest combined score at the end of the season will be crowned Climbing League Champions and the team members win a free month of membership!
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